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Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Do's And Don'ts For Vape Battery Safety

author-icon Suorin Team date-icon Mar 7, 2023


Vaping is an increasingly popular alternative to smoking that may help you quit for good. But if you like most vapers, it can be easy to forget the other dangers of using e-cigarettes. But before you take the plunge, you should know about vape battery safety.

Content guide:

  1. Vape Battery Shapes and Sizes
  2. Standard Battery Specifications
  3. Battery Safety Ratings
  4. Battery Chemistry
  5. Battery Storage and Care Dos
  6. Don'ts of Your Battery Safety for Vaping
  7. In conclusion

Vape Battery Shapes and Sizes

A vape battery is a small, rechargeable lithium-ion battery used to power vaping devices. There are many shapes, including round, rectangular, square, and oval. Round batteries are typically smaller than rectangular or square ones. They provide more power than other shapes but also have a smaller surface area, allowing them to heat up quicker than other types. Because they heat up so quickly that they can be dangerous. If it is misused by inexperienced vapers who do not understand how long they need to hold their breath before inhaling them.

Vape battery shapes and sizes vary, but the most common types are:

  • 18650,  a standard size for most vaping batteries
  • 26650, about three times larger than a 18650 battery and more powerful
  • 20700, about twice as large as a 18650 battery, and can be used in devices that require a higher voltage output

A good rule of thumb is selecting your vape battery based on your device. For example, if you have a mod that requires high current output, you'll want to use a 20700. Or if you have a dripper or tank that requires more power than a 18650 can provide, you'll want to use a 26650 instead.

Standard Battery Specifications

The battery specification is the maximum amperage (A) and voltage (V) to which a battery can be charged. The higher the A or V, the more powerful the battery. The three main standards for vape batteries are 1.2V, 2.4V, and 3.7V. These standards are based on a standard set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The higher the number of V you want in your battery, the more power it will have and the longer it will last. That said, three main factors influence how long your vaping battery will last: voltage, capacity, and resistance.

1. Voltage

The voltage of your vaping battery determines how quickly it charges and discharges. Higher voltages mean faster charging and discharging times. Lower voltages mean slower charging and discharging times.

2. Capacity

This is how much energy your vape can store for a time. Higher capacity means more energy stored in a smaller space. It means less time spent filling up with e-liquid before you can use it again. Lower capacity means less energy stored in a larger space, which means longer waiting periods between fills.

3 .Resistance

Resistance refers to how well your battery conducts electricity through its internal circuitry without overheating or failing altogether. Higher resistances require more power from the power source to function properly and expend more energy over time than lower resistances.

Battery Safety Ratings

Battery safety ratings are a way of telling you how safe your battery is to use. It helps you make an informed decision about whether or not to use your battery in your device. The rating system ranges from 1-10, where ten means the battery is 100% safe to use and one means it can cause damage. Several factors go into determining the safety rating of a battery:

  • The voltage rating
  • Chemistry (whether it's Li-ion or LiPo)
  • The size of the battery
  • How long does it take for the battery to be fully charged after charging has been completed
  • How many times you can charge it before it needs replacing

Battery Chemistry

The most common types of batteries are lead-acid and lithium-ion. Both batteries are generally considered safe to use in an e-cigarette if you're careful when charging and handling them. However, all our products use lithium-ion batteries with national standards.

The chemistry of lithium-ion vaping batteries is different from other batteries because they use a different material to store energy between charges. Lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) can hold more charge than other materials, providing more power for longer periods.

Vape batteries are made up of cathodes, anodes, and electrolytes. The cathode is a material that helps electrons move from the negative pole of the cell to the positive pole. The three types of cathode materials are lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO), nickel-titanium (NiTi), and lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4). All three types have different properties and capabilities, so it's essential to match your vaping device with the right type of battery.

Battery Storage and Care Dos

You should consider these vaping battery safety tips.

1. Keep the Battery Wraps Intact

The battery wraps help to keep your vaper safe by keeping the battery away from the user's hand and other items that could cause an electrical shock. These wraps are also useful for protecting your battery from getting caught on things like clothing or purses. It is important to keep these wraps intact when vaping. If they are damaged, it can lead to short-circuiting or overheating of the battery, which can cause serious injury or even death.

2. Use the Right Batteries

The Battery Safety Act of 2018 requires that all vape companies use batteries that meet strict guidelines to ensure the safety of users and the environment. These regulations are designed to keep vaping products from exploding or causing fires, which can cause serious injury or even death.

3. Use Battery Cases

Battery cases help keep your batteries safe and secure, so they won't ever get damaged or thrown away by accident. They also protect your hands from burns when using your device. It's easy to accidentally touch the metal contacts on your batteries without realizing it! If you're using a mod with variable voltage or wattage settings, battery cases can also help prevent overcharging by limiting how much power gets into each battery's cell. Battery cases are simple to use because you slip them over the top of your batteries and then snap them into place on your mod. They come in various styles and colors, so there's something for everyone.

4. Watch Out for Counterfeits

If you're not sure if you've bought a counterfeit product, it could be dangerous. Counterfeits can cause fires and explosions, and they can harm the environment. Many signs can help you identify a counterfeit product. For example, there may be fake packaging with incorrect information or logos that don't match the real brand's products. There are also differences in the design of the product itself. Also, some counterfeit batteries look like they have been repackaged from an old battery but do not have the same features or specifications as true products from their manufacturer. These differences can sometimes include the battery's size, shape, and coloration.

5. Use a Dedicated Charger

Vaping batteries can be dangerous if you don't take the time to charge them right. Batteries can become damaged or even explode if they're not appropriately charged. Using a dedicated charger for your vaping battery would be best to avoid this problem. A dedicated charger will ensure that your battery receives the correct voltage and current, preventing it from becoming damaged or overheating. This will save you money on replacements and ensure battery safety with vaping.

Don'ts of Your Battery Safety for Vaping

Avoiding these things will improve your safety.

1. Don't Leave Your Batteries Charging Unattended

The biggest problem with leaving your vaping battery charging unattended for an extended period is that it could result in overheating. This can happen because lithium-ion batteries are susceptible to thermal runaway. This means they become unstable once they get hot enough and may explode or catch fire. Of course, you can use the disposable vapes if you want to avoid the charging situation.

2. Don't Over-drain Your Batteries

When you're vaping, the battery is constantly being charged and discharged. This can cause damage to the battery over time, it's important to let your batteries rest when they're not in use. Also, if you over-drain a battery, it will create more resistance in the circuit and make it harder for electricity to flow through.

3. Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can damage and jeopardize your battery safety when vaping. Just like a car, the best way to prevent overheating is to keep it in a cool place. If you live in a hot climate, you should consider buying an extra battery case or charger that can be placed in a garage or a well-ventilated area.

4. Use Married Batteries

Married batteries are made of two individual batteries that have been joined together, and they can be dangerous if you're not careful. They have the potential to short out and cause a fire, which is why it's important not to use them in conjunction with your vaping battery.

5. Replace Old batteries

A battery used for a long time may become damaged, leading to internal short circuits and a fire hazard. If you have a device that uses an older battery, consider replacing it with one that's new and hasn't been used before. If you're using a device with an internal battery, don't use it until you've replaced it with a new one. It's also important to check your charger now and then to ensure it isn't damaged or not working properly.

6. Recycle Old Batteries

The main reason why recycling old batteries is a bad idea is because the chemicals used in electronic devices are toxic and can cause serious health issues if you are exposed to them over time. In addition, there is no guarantee that any recycled batteries will still be functional when you receive them, so it's best to keep them out of the environment altogether.

Overall, when it comes to vaping battery safety, there are many aspects of the hobby, and you cannot always be sure that all your batteries are safe. However, by following these tips, you can reduce the likelihood of danger while enjoying both your vaping habit and a cleaner alternative way of smoking.

In conclusion

Vaping Battery safety is very important. If it has anything happened, it will be treated with your personal or the crowd's safety. We all should pay attention to it, especially the vaping DIY  mod lovers who have more potation to meet battery safety problems. If you buy prefilled battery vaping mod devices from trusted vaping manufacturers, they will help you solve most of the safety problems in a way from there are the vaping battery using standards. Suorin devices are based on the manufacturing standards to design and machine the vape device. You can buy and use to enjoy your vaping!